Large, medium or small donut springs, we make them all. Plenty more shipments gone out this month to USA, Canada, Asia and Europe. Private labelling is always FOC to Dealers and OEM’s, inquire today about our discounted pricing. Donut springs beat coils, ever time. Better isolation, lower noise levels, no corrosion, no breakage, no pinch-points, branding value etc. They’re a no-brainer for screen manufacturers and operators.
What a lineup! Our European customer sent us a lovely photo of these 3 machines, installed in their aggregates plant. It’s a unique photo of 3 similar but very different variations of shaft scrubber ; the original US brand, the Chinese-built replica and the Irish-built unit with the highest spec and most modern design features. All functional washers, but showing probably 100 years of history in one photo. We also supply wears and spares to support these 3 machines, from our large spares inventory in Ireland